Today Catholics celebrate Ash Wednesday. From the time we were children, we knew that Lent meant giving something up. (Mostly we gave up chocolate or sugared cereal, doubtless to the delight of our parents.). And as adults, we all can name the three Lenten practices of fasting, almsgiving and prayer. But it is easy for […]
Today’s first Mass reading is the Genesis account of Cain killing his brother Abel. Filled with jealousy that God “looked with favor” on Abel’s offering of the best of his flock and not on Cain’s offering from the fruit of the soil, Cain takes his brother into the field, attacks and kills him. When God […]
Tonight was the opening session of the Lenten Ignatian Retreat at St. Thomas More. After this initial large group meeting, small retreat groups will meet weekly, and participants will pray each day with materials we provide to them that are based on Weeks 2 and 3 of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. I gave […]
Today was the second session of the Fall Reflection Series that Jennifer Wright and I are offering at the University of St. Thomas (on the Minneapolis campus) this year. The theme for this five week series is Women of the Bible. In last week’s opening session, Jennifer spoke about Sarah and Hagar. (You can find her talk […]
Monday was the first session of the Fall Reflection Series that Jennifer Wright and I are offering at the University of St. Thomas (on the Minneapolis campus) this year. Our theme for the five week series is Women of the Bible. Monday I briefly introduced the series and Jennifer spoke our our first subjects: Sarah […]