Susan is an experienced spiritual director and retreat leader trained in the Ignatian tradition. She offers retreats and other programs of spiritual formation in parishes, retreat houses and other venues around the country and is the author of numerous publications, including Growing in Love and Wisdom: Tibetan Buddhist Sources for Christian Meditation (Oxford 2013). Susan is an adjunct instructor of Theology at St. Catherine University and teaches in the Sacred Ground program for training spiritual directors. She previously held the position of Director of the University of St. Thomas Office for Spirituality and currently serves as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the University of St. Thomas School of Law. Susan authors the blog, Creo en Dios! and also occasionally blogs at Mirror of Justice, a group blog devoted to the development of Catholic Legal Theory. Prior to moving to Minneapolis in 2007, Susan was a member of the adjunct ministerial staff of St. Ignatius Retreat House in New York.
You can find MysticMag’s interview with Susan, titled Journeying With God here.
Susan shares her reflections on her journey with God on her blog, in podcasts and videos, in group talks and retreats, and in print and online articles. To find out where you can hear her in person, take a look at the page of upcoming speaking engagements.
We are Resurrection People!
Even as we celebrate the birth of Christ, we remember that we are a Resurrection People. That is, that the birth of Jesus is only the first chapter in a story that goes through public ministry, death, resurrection, ascension and coming of the spirit. And that story demands something of us. We are called to be the body of Christ in the world today, a world groaning in suffering. Now more than ever, we need to remember that we are people of the resurrection and that our God is always with us.
In Print
Books by Susan Stabile
Her Voice
Podcasts and Video
In Person
Retreats and Talks
On the Web
Creo en Dios and other writing